Early Childhood Intervention Fort Worth
You adore your child, but at a certain point, you notice that things might not be progressing as expected. Whether it's challenges in speech, eating, or physical and emotional behaviors, you wonder if it's a passing phase or if there might be a more significant issue at play.

Schedule an Appointment
We are proud to have served more than 600 Dallas-Fort Worth area families.
These queries hold significance. Studies reveal that the human brain forms the majority of its neurons and is most receptive to learning from birth to three years of age. A child's capacity to absorb new information during this period is crucial for fostering a healthy and productive life.
Get an Assessment
For a professional evaluation, entrust your child to Little Red Wagon Pediatric Therapy. Our experts specialize in assessing a spectrum of issues to determine the effectiveness of therapeutic treatments. If therapy is recommended, we collaborate with your insurance agency, commencing treatments within two to four weeks post-assessment.
Bringing your child into an early childhood intervention program promptly allows us to initiate therapy sooner. Our holistic approach to assessments and therapy enables us to swiftly identify and address your child’s concerns with precision and efficiency. In the event of identifying more complex issues, such as autism, we will facilitate arrangements for additional treatment by certified professionals.
Little Red Wagon Pediatric Therapy Early Childhood Intervention Programs
Little Red Wagon Pediatric Therapy have experts on staff to address a range of issues for children via Early Childhood Intervention. Among our therapy treatments:
Speech Therapy
Helps children better communicate by overcoming speech difficulties, (ie. letter sounds) comprehension, clarity…
Occupational Therapy
Develops the skills needed to grow into functional and independent adults.
Feeding Therapy
Helps infants or children who struggle with sucking, chewing, feeding or swallowing…
Focuses on a parent coaching model beyond the clinic’s controlled environment.
If you are searching for answers to these types of questions or have concerns about your child, adolescent, or family, we can help.