Our Learning Spaces

At Little Red Wagon Pediatric Therapy, we recognize the vital role that a positive environment plays in shaping children's responses, ensuring a conducive setting for their therapy experiences.

At Little Red Wagon, our learning spaces are thoughtfully designed to offer a positive, uplifting, and well-grounded experience for children undergoing therapy. These spaces are tailored for the specific treatments we provide, ensuring a warm, safe, and controlled environment with minimal distractions. In this structured setting, we aim to foster a sense of belonging for your child, making each session all about them.

As parents are often involved in therapy sessions, your child associates their improvements with your presence, allowing you to understand the combination of words, actions, and environment that contribute to their success. Our commitment to creating positive learning spaces reflects our overarching goal: to deliver caring and highly professional support for both you and your child.

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Schedule an Appointment

We are proud to have served more than 600 Dallas-Fort Worth area families.

Little Red Wagon Pediatric Therapy provides one-on-one pediatric therapy sessions in-office, tailored to meet the needs of our clients and work towards their personal goals. We currently offer the following services:

Speech Therapy

Helps children better communicate by overcoming speech difficulties, (ie. letter sounds) comprehension, clarity…

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Occupational Therapy

Develops the skills needed to grow into functional and independent adults.

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Feeding Therapy

Helps infants or children who struggle with sucking, chewing, feeding or swallowing…

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Focuses on a parent coaching model beyond the clinic’s controlled environment.

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If you are searching for answers to these types of questions or have concerns about your child, adolescent, or family, we can help​.
